Archive for December 28th, 2006|Daily archive page

McKinsey on SaaS Trends

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McKinsey’s 10 Global Trends for 2006 re-visited

At the beginning of 2006, McKinsey predicted Ten trends to watch in 2006.

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BuildOnline and Citadon Merge to Create Global Software as a Service Provider

BOSTON, MA — (MARKET WIRE) — December 13, 2006 — Two leading providers of Software as a Service (SaaS) collaboration, BuildOnline and Citadon, have agreed to merge, creating the only truly global SaaS collaboration company. The merged entity will be known as CTSpace.

The SaaS business model has enabled both businesses to realize significant growth over the last eight years. The combined company boasts a global footprint serving some of the world’s leading multinational companies such as Balfour Beatty Construction Ltd, BNP Paribas, Chicago Transit Authority, IKEA and STRABAG.

CTSpace’s web-based collaboration, business process management and document management solutions allow companies to automate and streamline communications between departments, offices, companies, and countries — without purchasing costly hardware or software. The SaaS model ensures customers running business-critical projects benefit from a faster turnaround, increased accountability, reduced risk, and cost savings.

Read full Press Release here.

Infrastructure Is Integral To Supply Chain Success

According to AMR Research:

A company’s highest supply chain priorities are demand forecasting, supply planning, inventory management, and sales and operations planning.

Global outsourcing, leaner supply chains and the frequency of new-product introductions require substantially tighter collaboration and coordination among complex networks of trading partners. In response, corporations are building business processes, organizations and technology portfolios that allow them to manage this complexity and the ever-present uncertainty of supply and demand.

As supply chain managers build their technology portfolio to manage complex supply chains, the first issue they face is whether to buy application software from their enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors (such as SAP and Oracle) or from independent companies commonly known as best-of-breed vendors.

ERP and best-of-breed vendors provide applications for demand planning, transportation and logistics optimization, warehouse management, multi-echelon inventory optimization, supply chain visibility and event management, global trade, and overall supply chain network design and optimization. The trend has been to use whenever possible the supply chain applications provided by the ERP vendor to reduce integration complexity and overall cost of ownership. In many cases, however, companies find that the functionality they require is either insufficient or nonexistent within their ERP systems. For this reason, best-of-breed supply chain software applications are still chosen to address the business requirements of their company or industry.

ERP vendors are expanding the breadth of their supply chain offerings and continue to gain favor in terms of increased market share. However, rather than coming at the expense of best-of-breed application providers, the data show that users are beginning to shift away from internally developed applications to packaged supply chain applications provided by ERP and best-of-breed providers.

In a recent AMR Research supply chain spending report, manufacturers report that their highest priorities for supply chain technology and process investment are demand forecasting, supply planning, inventory management, and sales and operations planning.

Companies are increasing their investments to either upgrade or buy new software. Budgets were expected to grow by 4% in 2006.

Read more here.

Interest in SOA, SAAS Expected to Grow in 2007

December 26, 2006
By Renee Boucher Ferguson, eWEEK

For companies that use enterprise applications from the leading vendors, 2007 to some degree won’t offer many surprises. The top vendors—SAP, Oracle and to some degree, Microsoft—will continue investing in service-oriented architectures and will grow their investments in software as a service, according to industry observers.

All three companies will continue their investments in their respective next-generation ERP (enterprise resource planning) suites, with an underlying middleware platform: mySAP ERP, Oracle Fusion and Microsoft Dynamics.

SAP, of Waldorf, Germany, will offer its first completely SOA-based suite of applications for the mid-market, and Microsoft, of Redmond, Wash., will release Titan, its multi-tenant CRM suite for the mid-market. Both offerings have implications for end users. SAP’s hosted suite—the formal announcement is expected in the first quarter of 2007—could impact the mid-market, said Jim Shepherd, an analyst with AMR Research.

“SAP will announce a full mid-market ERP suite that is entirely SOA-based and all new code,” Shepherd said. “The question is if it is enough of a game changer where the mid-market buyer says, ‘I was going to buy [new software] this year, but SAP’s suite is not available until 2008. I’ll just wait and see.’ It could freeze the market. We’ve seen it happen before.”

Microsoft’s release of Titan will be more of a game changer for the channel, said Rob Bois, another analyst with AMR.

“Titan will send ripples through the indirect partner channel,” Bois said. “It has started to scare partners, but hasn’t fundamentally changed anything yet, and partners haven’t been forced to change. … All eyes are on Microsoft [to see] what role it believes SAAS plays in the channel.”

Infor, which has acquired 19 application companies in the past two years, could be the wild card in 2007 as it continues to buy other vendors. With a current roster of 70,000 customers, Infor, of Alpharetta, Ga., plans to increase revenue from $2 billion to $4 billion during the next 26 months—putting pressure on SAP, Oracle and Microsoft.

“It’s a different kind of model where presence in the market isn’t account control, but rather ubiquity,” said Shepherd. “That’s kind of the unique thing with Infor. They are quickly becoming best of breed.”

On the spending front, North American enterprises will significantly increase their cash outlay for new software initiatives and projects, said Ray Wang, an analyst with Forrester Research.

In his report “The State of Enterprise Software Adoption,” Wang states that enterprises plan to spend an average of 30 percent of their total IT budget of software related costs in 2007—licenses, maintenance, operations and development. The top software priorities for next year will be improving integration between applications (27 percent), upgrading security environments (21 percent), and adopting SOA (12 percent).

Click here to read more about SOA adoption.

Business intelligence software will represent the top application purchase, according to Wang, and ERP will remain the top major upgrade. Messaging, e-mail and collaboration software will lead the pack for minor upgrades.

SAAS spending will continue to increase among enterprises. Although medium and small companies (defined as those with 100 to 499 employees) lead as the current users of SAAS, 45 percent of Global 2000 and 32 percent of very large enterprises remain “somewhat interested” in adopting SAAS in 2007.

More surprising, according to Wang, among enterprises that use or are piloting SAAS, 54 percent of respondents named human resources as their biggest area of interest, and 40 percent named ERP, overtaking for the first time CRM (customer relationship management) as the biggest area of interest., the poster child for SAAS, is expected to continue to grow in 2007. But it’s also the year wherein, of San Francisco, can no longer point to AppExchange—its potentially game changing e-marketplace for third-party applications replete with a development environment, language and e-commerce engine in 2007—as an experiment. The company will have to start telling its story around actual numbers, according to AMR’s Bois.

“Next year [Salesforce] will have to say how much purchasing really happens from AppExchange,” he said. “That could take [Salesforce] from a software vendor with a nice idea to a pretty good software company. We still hear a lot of skepticism.”

A lot of the standard two-year SAAS contracts start to run out in 2007, which could lead to a brawl between line-of-business and IT as they work through maintaining “stop gap” SAAS implementations or replacing them with the intended on-premises solutions, according to Bois.

“I have a feeling that SAAS will turn out to be a longer term solution for a lot of businesses—more so than they had initially thought,” said Bois. “That will start to pan out next year. Customers will have a hard time justifying why they should switch.”

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Read original post here.